Antoinette Gagné

List of John Benjamins publications for which Antoinette Gagné plays a role.


Teachers’ Plurilingual Identities in Transnational Contexts

Edited by Clea Schmidt and Antoinette Gagné

Special issue of Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 38:3 (2015) 98 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Corpus linguistics | Discourse studies | Language acquisition | Language policy | Language teaching | Multilingualism | Pragmatics | Translation Studies | Writing and literacy


Gagné, Antoinette, Carrie Chassels and Megan McIntosh 2015 Plurilingual teachers and their experiences navigating the academy: Lessons and strategies for equityTeachers’ Plurilingual Identities in Transnational Contexts, Schmidt, Clea and Antoinette Gagné (eds.), pp. 106–122 | Article
Drawing on qualitative data collected from plurilingual teachers in the context of three research studies conducted at the University of Toronto between 2004 and 2015, this paper critically examines, through a dialogue between the three researchers, the experiences of plurilingual teacher… read more
Schmidt, Clea and Antoinette Gagné 2015 Editorial: Teachers’ plurilingual identities in transnational contextsTeachers’ Plurilingual Identities in Transnational Contexts, Schmidt, Clea and Antoinette Gagné (eds.), p.  | Miscellaneous