Francesco-Alessio Ursini
List of John Benjamins publications for which Francesco-Alessio Ursini plays a role.
On the formation of a conjecturing clause-taking predicate in Modern Chinese: A conjoining account of huaiyi Functions of Language 28:2, pp. 183–207 | Article
2021 This article claims that the conjecturing clause-taking huaiyi predicate in Modern Chinese (e.g. Renmen huaiyi zheming taoyi de jingcha hen keneng canyu le zheqi anjian. ‘People conjecture that the escaped policeman had probably been involved in the case.’) is actually a parenthetical structure.… read more
Prolegomena to a theory of chorophorics Studies in Language 45:4, pp. 753–790 | Article
2021 The goal of this paper is to offer a theoretical analysis of chorophorics, a recently proposed pro-formal category that can refer either to “places”, or to locations as arguments of spatial relations. It is suggested that chorophorics are a common category that displays heterogeneous… read more
Chapter 11. The acquisition of the wh-pronoun duo-shao in child Mandarin Studies in Chinese and Japanese Language Acquisition: In honor of Stephen Crain, Nakayama, Mineharu, Yi-ching Su and Aijun Huang (eds.), pp. 237–264 | Chapter
2017 The Mandarin Chinese wh-pronouns ji-ge ‘how many-cl’ and duo-shao ‘a lot-a little’ can be roughly translated in English as ‘how-many’ and ‘how-much’, respectively. When these two wh-pronouns interact with the negation operator mei ‘not’, there derive similar but not identical readings: while the… read more