Alessandra Levorato
List of John Benjamins publications for which Alessandra Levorato plays a role.
“Be steady then, my countrymen, be firm, united and determined”: Expressions of stance in the 1798–1800 Irish paper war Journal of Historical Pragmatics 10:1, pp. 132–157 | Article
2009 This paper examines the linguistic resources adopted by pamphlet writers to express their stance and engage their readers during the so-called Irish paper war that preceded the 1800 Union between Great Britain and Ireland. The data (about 100,000 words) consists of 23 pamphlets divided, according… read more
“From you, my Lord, professions are but words – they are so much bait for fools to catch at”: Impoliteness strategies in the 1797–1800 Act of Union pamphlet debate Early Modern English News Discourse: Newspapers, pamphlets and scientific news discourse, Jucker, Andreas H. (ed.), pp. 159–185 | Article