Philippe Martin
List of John Benjamins publications for which Philippe Martin plays a role.
Phraséologie: L’intonation, tu parles, c’est compliqué, c’est pas possible La phraséologie dans les interactions orales et écrites, Dostie, Gaétane and Agnès Tutin (eds.), pp. 240–250 | Article
2022 Les mots, groupes de mots et phrases n’existent que par leur réalisation effective dans la parole, spontanée ou préparée, orale ou silencieuse. Ce processus implique l’intonation, qui détermine la structure prosodique de la phrase, définie comme regroupement en plusieurs niveaux des unités… read more
Chapter 4. Syntactic and prosodic segmentation in spoken French In Search of Basic Units of Spoken Language: A corpus-driven approach, Izre'el, Shlomo, Heliana Mello, Alessandro Panunzi and Tommaso Raso (eds.), pp. 127–154 | Chapter
2020 This chapter presents first of all the analytical framework adopted for the syntactical study of spoken French productions. In line with the work of the pronominal approach, the framework postulates that three components are involved in the constitution of utterances. Two syntactical components,… read more
Chapter 2. Analysis of two English spontaneous speech examples with the dependency incremental prosodic structure model In Search of Basic Units of Spoken Language: A corpus-driven approach, Izre'el, Shlomo, Heliana Mello, Alessandro Panunzi and Tommaso Raso (eds.), pp. 327–336 | Chapter
2020 Two examples of English spontaneous speech are analyzed prosodically, using the dependency incremental prosodic structure model. Instead of annotating prosodic events with the ToBI system, stressed accent phrases and final syllables are described in terms of rising or falling melodic contours,… read more
Chapter 14. Tools for fundamental frequency estimation in Rhapsodie Rhapsodie: A prosodic and syntactic treebank for spoken French, Lacheret-Dujour, Anne, Sylvain Kahane and Paola Pietrandrea (eds.), pp. 261–269 | Chapter
2019 The quality of the speech recordings in the Rhapsodie project is highly variable, ranging from excellent to very poor. The main enemies of a fundamental frequency analysis are echo, microphone low-pass filtering, overlapping sound sources, creak, etc. As some fundamental frequency tracking… read more
Speech and corpora: How spontaneous speech analysis changed our point of view on some linguistic facts: The case of sentence intonation in French Spoken Corpora and Linguistic Studies, Raso, Tommaso and Heliana Mello (eds.), pp. 191–209 | Article
2014 The analysis of spontaneous speech is of paramount importance. It allows focusing on pragmatic, syntactic, prosodic and information structures and leads to a better understanding as how they interact in actual speech. Indeed, many applications and industrial development in speech synthesis and… read more
Emotions and prosodic structure: Who is in charge? Linguistic Approaches to Emotions in Context, Baider, Fabienne H. and Georgeta Cislaru (eds.), pp. 215–230 | Article
2014 Whereas for a long time many papers studying the correlates between emotions and intonation have been published, few, if any discuss the effects of speaker s emotions on the realizations of linguistic units, such as syllables, syntactic and prosodic structures, etc., as perceived and decoded by… read more
Developing corpus interoperability for phonetic investigation of learner corpora Automatic Treatment and Analysis of Learner Corpus Data, Díaz-Negrillo, Ana, Nicolas Ballier and Paul Thompson (eds.), pp. 33–64 | Article
2013 Although automatic analysis and computer-aided annotation tools are being developed, spoken learner corpora are still smaller and less numerous than written learner corpora. This chapter gives a critical overview of some of the phonetic research questions addressed by spoken learner corpora in… read more
Iconicity of melodic contours in French Prosody and Iconicity, Hancil, Sylvie and Daniel Hirst (eds.), pp. 181–192 | Article
2013 This paper explores some iconic properties of melodic contours in French as vocal gestures possibly similar to other kinds of body gesture or to gestures in general. The melodic contours considered specifically are correlative to the conclusive sentence modality, the continuation majeure and the… read more
1. The C-ORAL-ROM resource C-ORAL-ROM: Integrated Reference Corpora for Spoken Romance Languages, Cresti, Emanuela and Massimo Moneglia (eds.), pp. 1–70 | Chapter
2005 A phonological theory for intonation models of English and French Phonology in the 1980’s, Goyvaerts, Didier L. (ed.), pp. 359–376 | Article
1981 Automatic location of stressed syllabels in french Current Issues in the Phonetic Sciences: Proceedings of the IPS-77 Congress, Miami Beach, Florida, 17–19 December 1977, Hollien, Harry and Patricia Hollien (eds.), pp. 1091–1094 | Article
Questions De Phonosyntaxe Et De Phonosémantique En Français Lingvisticæ Investigationes 2:1, pp. 93–125 | Article