Kerry Taylor-Leech
List of John Benjamins publications for which Kerry Taylor-Leech plays a role.
Timorese talking back: The semiotic construction of chronotopes in the Timor Sea protests Linguistic Landscape 6:1, pp. 29–51 | Article
2020 Taking the dispute between East Timor and Australia over their maritime boundary as an illustrative context, this article discusses the role of semiotic resources in constructing chronotopes of protest. Reflecting first on language choice in urban protests during East Timor’s struggle for… read more
Strategies for building social connection through English: Challenges for immigrants and implications for teaching english as a second language Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 35:2, pp. 138–155 | Article
2012 This article draws on ethnographic data from a longitudinal study of newly-arrived immigrants of non English-speaking background in the Australian Adult Migrant English Program to investigate their opportunities for using English and the language learning strategies (LLS) they used to make the… read more
Review of Liddicoat, A.J., ed. (2007) Issues in Language Planning and Literacy Clearing the Air: Applied linguistic perspectives on aviation communication, Read, John and Ute Knoch (eds.), pp. 18.1–18.4 | Review
2009 Language and identity in East Timor: The discourses of nation building Language Problems and Language Planning 32:2, pp. 153–180 | Article
2008 Language choice in the newly independent Republic of East Timor can be usefully examined in the wider context of language policy in multilingual states. The present article reports on ethnographic research investigating official and popular discourses of language and identity in East Timor and the… read more