Fred Eckman

List of John Benjamins publications for which Fred Eckman plays a role.


Subjects Language acquisition | Language disorders & speech pathology | Neurolinguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Theoretical linguistics
Eckman, Fred, Gregory Iverson and Jae Yung Song 2015 Overt and covert contrast in L2 phonologyJournal of Second Language Pronunciation 1:2, pp. 254–278 | Article
This paper reports results on the acquisition of the English /p/–/b/ contrast by native speakers of Arabic. This contrast does not exist in the participants’ native language (NL). The central finding of this study is that some of the research participants exhibited a covert contrast between these… read more
Eckman, Fred, Gregory Iverson and Jae Yung Song 2014 Covert contrast in the acquisition of second language phonologyPerspectives on Phonological Theory and Development: In honor of Daniel A. Dinnsen, Farris-Trimble, Ashley W. and Jessica A. Barlow (eds.), pp. 25–48 | Article
This paper reports results on the acquisition of the English /s/ – /z/ phonemic contrast by native speakers of Spanish. The central finding is that some of the research participants exhibited a covert contrast between these segments in their interlanguage productions. Acoustic analysis revealed… read more
Eckman, Fred 2008 4. Typological markedness and second language phonologyPhonology and Second Language Acquisition, Hansen Edwards, Jette G. and Mary L. Zampini (eds.), pp. 95–115 | Article
Eckman, Fred 2007 Universals, innateness and explanation in second language acquisitionWhat Counts as Evidence in Linguistics: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 217–239 | Article
This paper considers the question of explanation in second language acquisition within the context of two approaches to universals, Universal Grammar and language typology. After briefly discussing the logic of explaining facts by including them under general laws (Hempel & Oppenheim 1948), the… read more
Eckman, Fred 2007 Author’s response: ‘External’ universals and explanation in SLAWhat Counts as Evidence in Linguistics: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 245–248 | Article
Eckman, Fred 2004 Author’s response: ‘External’ universals and explanation in SLAWhat Counts as Evidence in Linguistics?: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 707–709 | Article
Eckman, Fred 2004 Universals, innateness and explanation in second language acquisitionWhat Counts as Evidence in Linguistics?: The case of innateness, Penke, Martina and Anette Rosenbach (eds.), pp. 682–703 | Article
This paper considers the question of explanation in second language acquisition within the context of two approaches to universals, Universal Grammar and language typology. After briefly discussing the logic of explaining facts by including them under general laws (Hempel & Oppenheim 1948), the… read more
Eckman, Fred 1993 On the natural domain of linguistic universalsPrinciples and Prediction: The analysis of natural language, Eid, Mushira and Gregory Iverson (eds.), pp. 45–72 | Article
Eckman, Fred 1984 Universals, typologies, and interlanguageLanguage Universals and Second Language Acquisition, Rutherford, William E. (ed.), pp. 79–105 | Article
Eckman, Fred 1980 On the Ordering of Verbal Prefixes and ParticlesStudies in Language 4:1, pp. 65–86 | Article