Amy Wanyu Ou

List of John Benjamins publications for which Amy Wanyu Ou plays a role.



Ou, Amy Wanyu, Francis M. Hult and Michelle Mingyue Gu 2022 Language policy and planning for English-medium instruction in higher educationJournal of English-Medium Instruction 1:1, pp. 7–28 | Article
This article presents English-medium instruction (EMI) in higher education (HE) from a language policy and planning (LPP) perspective. Based on a review of EMI policy research in diverse higher education contexts, we address several key contemporary policy tensions in EMI such as English… read more
The advancement of English as an instrument for the internationalization of higher education has foregrounded English as an academic lingua franca (EALF), and the case of China is no exception. This study focuses on the process by which EALF has been interpreted and negotiated across university… read more