Antonio Hidalgo Navarro

List of John Benjamins publications for which Antonio Hidalgo Navarro plays a role.


¿Sabes? y ¿entiendes? son partículas discursivas de control del contacto que desempeñan una función fático-apelativa, en mayor o menor medida fática o apelativa, a la que se añade ya sea como valor principal o subsidiario un valor modalizador, intensificador y, ocasionalmente, atenuante. En… read more
Navarro, Antonio Hidalgo and Diana Martínez Hernández 2019 Chapter 3. Prosodic versatility, hierarchical rank and pragmatic function in conversational markersEmpirical Studies of the Construction of Discourse, Loureda, Óscar, Inés Recio Fernández, Laura Nadal and Adriana Cruz (eds.), pp. 61–92 | Chapter
In the framework of the prosody-markers interface, the present study focuses its attention on a specific functional aspect: the possible relationship between prosodic realization and the higher or lower hierarchical rank of a marker in the discursive structure. We start from the hypothesis that the… read more