Yi Xu

List of John Benjamins publications for which Yi Xu plays a role.


Ground-breaking studies on how Bangkok Thai tones have changed over the past 100 years (Pittayaporn 2007, 2018; Zhu et al. 2015) reveal a pattern that Zhu et al. (2015) term the “clockwise tone shift cycle:” low > falling > high level or rising-falling > rising > falling-rising or low. The… read more
Online peer feedback is advocated but not sufficiently used or researched in language classrooms, especially in Chinese as a foreign language (CFL) context. There is not sufficient evidence on the relationship of peer feedback type and revision, and controversies remain regarding learners’… read more
Existing research on shi…de constructions has often referred to its purported “emphasis” or “focus” functions. This paper reexamines shi…de by analyzing 787 examples of shi…de extracted from a spoken corpus. Positive evidence was found for several earlier proposals that rely on… read more
Xu, Yi, Andrew Kelly and Cameron Smillie 2013 Emotional expressions as communicative signalsProsody and Iconicity, Hancil, Sylvie and Daniel Hirst (eds.), pp. 33–60 | Article
It is widely assumed that emotions in speech are mainly expressed through prosody, particularly in terms of intonational contours. However, no theoretical models have been specifically developed to explain how exactly emotional meanings are conveyed by prosody. In this paper we explore the idea… read more