Oana Lungu
List of John Benjamins publications for which Oana Lungu plays a role.
Chapter 2. Zero-present under past in child French: Evidence from the future The Acquisition of the Present, Ayoun, Dalila (ed.), pp. 21–56 | Article
2015 This chapter discusses novel data from two experimental studies testing the acquisition of futurity and providing evidence in favor of Demirdache and Lungu’s (2009, 2011) zero-tense hypothesis, according to which child grammars display both zero-present and zero-past tenses, alongside indexical… read more
Zero time-arguments in French child language Argument Structure and Syntactic Relations: A cross-linguistic perspective, Duguine, Maia, Susana Huidobro and Nerea Madariaga (eds.), pp. 305–324 | Chapter
2010 We argue that zero-tenses in L1 French surface as either past (parameter value in SOT languages) or present (parameter value in non-SOT languages). Co-existing parameter settings in child language are expected on a Multiple Grammar approach where acquisition involves grammar competition. Our… read more
Sequence of tense in (French) child language Linguistic Variation Yearbook 2008, van Craenenbroeck, Jeroen (ed.), pp. 101–130 | Article
2008 We discuss the results of an L1 French comprehension study of the construal of present and imperfective past in (non) subordinate contexts. Our findings reveal that children accept (sometimes enforce) non-indexical simultaneous construals of both present and past under a matrix past — though… read more