Lafi M. Alharbi

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lafi M. Alharbi plays a role.


Although Arabic is a language with a long scholarly tradition, relatively little is known about the rhetorical and linguistic features of contemporary Arabic prose. In this paper, we examine 28 Arabic and English paired abstracts dealing with the language sciences drawn from three journals. The… read more
This paper reports on an empirical examination of the effect of instructors' formal training, professional experience, culturo-linguistic background, and exposure to the local context on the evaluation of EFL composition. A total of 106 English-native and Arabic-native instructors, with varying… read more

This paper debates the nature and the source of 'influence' on normative writing. In particular, it investigates the influential factor among language proficiency and cultural awareness on the rhetorical performance of ESL learners.

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