Raphaela Porsch

List of John Benjamins publications for which Raphaela Porsch plays a role.


Porsch, Raphaela, Stefan Schipolowski, Camilla Rjosk and Karoline Sachse 2023 Effects of an early start in learning English as a foreign language on reading and listening comprehension in Year 9Language Teaching for Young Learners 5:2, pp. 122–148 | Article
For years now, all over Europe a debate has been ongoing concerning the effectiveness of an early start in learning a foreign language. This paper presents findings from a representative large-scale assessment study from Germany and seeks to examine the relationship between receptive skills in… read more
‘The early start is (not) effective’ is one of the arguments often used in the political debate about early start policies in foreign language (FL) education in Europe and beyond. This paper sets out to explore the central arguments repeatedly used in the political discourse and media coverage… read more
This study investigates the receptive L2 proficiency of early and late starters in primary EFL education in the German context. Thus, the L2 reading and listening proficiency of primary EFL learners was assessed at the end of primary schooling in year 4 in two German federal states with… read more
This contribution presents the preliminary findings from the TEPS study (Teaching English in Primary Schools). The study is situated in Germany where primary foreign language (FL) education has been compulsory since 2004, with pupils beginning FL education – mostly English as a FL (EFL) – in… read more