Elena Karagjosova

List of John Benjamins publications for which Elena Karagjosova plays a role.


Borthen, Kaja and Elena Karagjosova 2021 Chapter 14. The Norwegian tag da in comparison to English thenPragmatic Markers and Peripheries, Van Olmen, Daniël and Jolanta Šinkūnienė (eds.), pp. 385–414 | Chapter
The Norwegian tag da and the English tag then have most likely developed from a common historical origin through the process of semantic bleaching and they have many overlapping functions today. This has led some researchers to claim that the two expressions have one and the same procedural… read more
Karagjosova, Elena 2007 Review of Yakovleva, Burkhardt, Linke & Wichter (2004): Deutsche und russische Gespräche. Ein Beitrag zur interkulturellen PragmatikInformation Structuring Resources in Contrast, Behrens, Bergljot, Cathrine Fabricius-Hansen, Hilde Hasselgård and Stig Johansson (eds.), pp. 297–302 | Review
Karagjosova, Elena 2003 Modal particles and the common ground: Meaning and functions of German ja, doch, eben/halt and auchPerspectives on Dialogue in the New Millennium, Kühnlein, Peter, Hannes Rieser and Henk Zeevat (eds.), pp. 335–349 | Article