Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel

List of John Benjamins publications for which Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel plays a role.

The present study describes the use of recasts by early childhood education and care (ECEC) professionals in five ECEC centres in France, and their effects on children’s language production – particularly on the phonological and morphosyntactic levels. We adopt a multimodal approach, taking into… read more
Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline and Aliyah Morgenstern 2021 French and British children’s shrugs: A cross-linguistic developmental case-study of a recurrent gestureRecurrent Gestures, Harrison, Simon, Silva H. Ladewig and Jana Bressem (eds.), pp. 180–218 | Article
This paper presents a multimodal and form-based approach to language development grounded in situated practices and focuses on the longitudinal analysis of a composite gesture, the shrug, in two datasets of mother-child interactions in French and British English. The shrug in its full-fledged… read more
Morgenstern, Aliyah, Stéphanie Caët, Camille Debras, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel and Marine Le Mené Guigourès 2021 Chapter 1. Children’s socialization to multi-party interactive practices: Who talks to whom about what in family dinnersLanguage and Social Interaction at Home and School, Caronia, Letizia (ed.), pp. 45–86 | Chapter
Multiparty interactions are crucial situations to study how children can participate in collaborative talk and broaden their experience of various interactional practices. Family dinners are particularly relevant to analyze how children and adults play different participatory roles and how parents… read more
Morgenstern, Aliyah, Marion Blondel, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel, Sandra Benazzo, Dominique Boutet, Angelika Kochan and Fanny Limousin 2018 Chapter 16. The blossoming of negation in gesture, sign and oral productionsSources of Variation in First Language Acquisition: Languages, contexts, and learners, Hickmann, Maya †, Edy Veneziano and Harriet Jisa (eds.), pp. 339–364 | Chapter
Negation constructions in longitudinal adult-child data are an excellent source for the study of multimodality in language acquisition. First negative constructions seem to take over from early forms of rejection and avoidance, but tracing the transitions between actions and gestures, and between… read more
Beaupoil-Hourdel, Pauline and Camille Debras 2017 Developing communicative postures: The emergence of shrugging in child communicationThe gesture–sign interface in language acquisition / L’interface geste–signe dans l’acquisition du langage, Morgenstern, Aliyah and Michèle Guidetti (eds.), pp. 89–116 | Article
This article analyses the development of a composite communicative posture, the shrug (which can combine palm-up flips, lifted shoulders and a head tilt), in a video corpus of spontaneous interactions between a typically developing British girl, Ellie, and her mother, filmed at home one hour… read more
Blondel, Marion, Dominique Boutet, Pauline Beaupoil-Hourdel et Aliyah Morgenstern 2017 La négation chez les enfants signeurs et non signeurs: Des patrons gestuels communsThe gesture–sign interface in language acquisition / L’interface geste–signe dans l’acquisition du langage, Morgenstern, Aliyah and Michèle Guidetti (eds.), pp. 141–171 | Article
Cet article présente une étude de cas de l’expression de la négation jusqu’à 3 ans chez quatre enfants évoluant dans des environnements langagiers différents : majoritairement monolingue (anglais, français, LSF) ou bilingue (LSF-français), majoritairement unimodal (modalité visuo-gestuelle de la… read more