Laura Louise Paterson

List of John Benjamins publications for which Laura Louise Paterson plays a role.

Changes to marriage legislation across the globe have received much academic and public attention. However, the labels used to categorise different marital configurations are somewhat under researched. In this paper we analyse the premodification of marriage in a corpus of UK newspaper articles… read more
This paper adapts O’Halloran’s (2010) electronic supplement analysis (ESA) to investigate debates about UK poverty in online newspaper articles and reader responses to those articles. While O’Halloran’s method was originally conceived to facilitate close reading, this paper modifies ESA for… read more
Paterson, Laura Louise and Laura Coffey-Glover 2018 Discourses of marriage in same-sex marriage debates in the UK press 2011–2014Corpus Linguistics in Language and Sexuality Studies: Developments and Prospects, Motschenbacher, Heiko (ed.), pp. 175–204 | Article
This paper interrogates media representations of same-sex marriage debates in the UK using a combination of corpus linguistics tools and close reading, and drawing on Queer Linguistics. Following related work by Bachmann (2011), Baker (2004), and Love and Baker (2015), we analyse a 1.3… read more
Originating on New York’s Wall Street, the Occupy movement was “an international network of protests against social and economic inequality that began in [September] 2011 in response to the downturn of 2008” (Thorson et al. 2013, 427). Whilst there has been research on online activity in… read more
Bom, Isabelle van der, Laura Coffey-Glover, Lucy Jones, Sara Mills and Laura Louise Paterson 2015 Implicit homophobic argument structure: Equal-marriage discourse in The Moral MazeJournal of Language and Sexuality 4:1, pp. 102–137 | Article
This article analyses the linguistic and discursive elements which contribute to the production of implicit homophobia. Explicit homophobia has been well documented and strategies for countering discriminatory language have been developed (Baker 2014, Leap 2012). However, our interest here is in… read more