Xany Jansen van Vuuren

List of John Benjamins publications for which Xany Jansen van Vuuren plays a role.


Jansen van Vuuren, Xany 2025 Chapter 15. Exploring interspecies translation and interpreting through multispecies ethnographyField Research on Translation and Interpreting, Rogl, Regina, Daniela Schlager and Hanna Risku (eds.), pp. 338–361 | Chapter
Against the background of the recent enlarging of translation studies to include the more-than-professional (Tymoczko 2007), more-than-verbal (Petrilli 2016) and more-than-human (Cronin 2017; Marais 2019), this chapter explores the opportunities that accompany multispecies translational research… read more
This chapter explores the ways in which photojournalism (specifically animal activist photography of domesticated animals) functions as translation and, in particular, knowledge translation. Referring broadly to the synthesis, exchange, and application of knowledge produced during research… read more