Paul Eling

List of John Benjamins publications for which Paul Eling plays a role.


Subjects History of linguistics | Language disorders & speech pathology | Neurolinguistics | Neuropsychology


Eling, Paul 1994 Paul Broca (1824-1880)Reader in the History of Aphasia: From Franz Gall to Norman Geschwind, Eling, Paul (ed.), pp. 29–40 | Section header
Eling, Paul en Marijke Bergman 1986 Morfologische Aspecten Van Woordherkenning Bij Broca-PatientenPsycholinguistiek en taalstoornissen, pp. 35–46 | Article
It is often stated that Broca's aphasies have problems in dealing with the set of closed class items. From a linguistic point of view, the derivational and inflectional suffixes belong to this set also. In two lexical decision experiments recognition and representation of derived and inflected word… read more