In this paper, we utilize negative polarity tag questions in order to assess to what extent discourse-pragmatic variables are susceptible to language contact induced changes. Based on a comparison of forms and functions of negative tags in the varieties spoken by Portuguese-Spanish bilinguals in… read more
This chapter presents a sociolinguistic analysis of Uruguayan Portuguese, a variety that has been in contact with Spanish in bilingual communities along the Uruguayan-Brazilian border. First, it discusses the historical reasons behind the presence of Portuguese in Uruguay, and the social context… read more
This study analyzes the sociolinguistic distribution of /s/-aspiration, one of the realizations of syllable-final /s/ in Uruguayan border Spanish. It discusses aspiration as a new variant which is entering the dialect through the speech of the upper classes, in a process opposite to what has been… read more
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de discutir as políticas lingüísticas promovidas pelo sistema educacional uruguaio que visam a combater a presença do português nas comunidades bilíngües no norte do país nos últimos dois séculos. Ilustra-se como essas políticas, comuns no século XIX quando respondiam… read more