Anu Lehto

List of John Benjamins publications for which Anu Lehto plays a role.

This chapter compares the representations of patients and doctors in eighteenth-century English in the corpus of Late Modern English Medical Texts (LMEMT). The representations are surveyed by collocation analysis in order to reveal shared beliefs linked with the social groups. Rather than… read more
Lehto, Anu 2019 11.6. Public healthLate Modern English Medical Texts: Writing medicine in the eighteenth century, Taavitsainen, Irma and Turo Hiltunen (eds.), pp. 307–315 | Miscellaneous
This chapter turns the attention to three-word lexical bundles and aims to reveal repeated linguistic elements and text-external concepts in medical texts. The study is carried out in the corpus categories of public health and methods and additionally in the genre of case studies that are found… read more
This chapter considers the representation of citizens and the British monarchy in Acts of Parliament from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in the Corpus of Late Modern English Statutes. The analysis investigates collocates associated with those two social groups and traces their semantic… read more
Lehto, Anu and Irma Taavitsainen 2019 Chapter 5. Medical case reports in Late Modern EnglishLate Modern English Medical Texts: Writing medicine in the eighteenth century, Taavitsainen, Irma and Turo Hiltunen (eds.), pp. 89–112 | Chapter
This chapter shifts the focus to the patients, using discourse analysis. The medical case report is a narrative of a single case of disease or injury and it is one of the genres that have continuity throughout the history of English medical writing from the late medieval period to the present.… read more
Lehto, Anu and Irma Taavitsainen 2019 11.3. Medical recipe collectionsLate Modern English Medical Texts: Writing medicine in the eighteenth century, Taavitsainen, Irma and Turo Hiltunen (eds.), pp. 279–288 | Miscellaneous
Lehto, Anu and Irma Taavitsainen 2019 11.2b. MethodsLate Modern English Medical Texts: Writing medicine in the eighteenth century, Taavitsainen, Irma and Turo Hiltunen (eds.), pp. 251–260 | Miscellaneous
This chapter analyses three-word sequences in Early Modern and Present-day English legal writing by defining their grammatical and functional distribution in Acts of Parliament. The method follows a corpus-driven approach: the lexical bundles are retrieved automatically from the corpus using… read more
Lehto, Anu 2013 Complexity and genre conventions: Text structure and coordination in Early Modern English proclamationsMeaning in the History of English: Words and texts in context, Jucker, Andreas H., Daniela Landert, Annina Seiler and Nicole Studer-Joho (eds.), pp. 233–256 | Article
This study analyzes complexity in Early Modern English proclamations from 1500 to 1707 in the Corpus of Early Modern English Statutes (1491–1707). The complexity features chosen for analysis are coordination and textual structure. The study shows that text structure and layout are important in… read more
This paper concentrates on Early Modern English statutes printed in the late fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. The study considers the development of complexity and the rise of modern writing conventions by following the diachronic pragmatic view. The analysis also draws on genre studies and… read more
Lehto, Anu, Alistair Baron, Maura Ratia and Paul Rayson 2010 Improving the precision of corpus methods: The standardized version of Early Modern English Medical TextsEarly Modern English Medical Texts: Corpus description and studies, Taavitsainen, Irma and Päivi Pahta (eds.), pp. 279–290 | Article
Lehto, Anu, Raisa Oinonen and Päivi Pahta 2010 Explorations through Early Modern English Medical Texts: Charting changes in medical discourse and scientific thinkingEarly Modern English Medical Texts: Corpus description and studies, Taavitsainen, Irma and Päivi Pahta (eds.), pp. 151–166 | Article