B.L. Derwig
List of John Benjamins publications for which B.L. Derwig plays a role.
1. Grammatical properties of sentences as a basis for concept formation. Experimental Linguistics: Integration of theories and applications, Prideaux, Gary D., Bruce L. Derwing and Will Baker (eds.), pp. 121–140 | Article
1980 A concept-formation study was run using sets of sentences in eight different syntactic patterns as target categories. These were based on all possible combinations of voice (active or passive), mood (declarative or interrogative), and modality (affirmative or negative). Subjects were 32 senior high… read more
5. English pluralization: A testing ground for rule evaluation. Experimental Linguistics: Integration of theories and applications, Prideaux, Gary D., Bruce L. Derwing and Will Baker (eds.), pp. 81–112 | Article
1980 This paper is concerned with the problem of choosing between alternative linguistic descriptions. The argument is presented that so long as linguistic analyses are construed as mere descriptions of linguistic forms, the choice between competing alternatives can only be achieved by arbitrary means.… read more
9. Rule learning and the English inflections (with special emphasis on the plural). Experimental Linguistics: Integration of theories and applications, Prideaux, Gary D., Bruce L. Derwing and Will Baker (eds.), pp. 247–272 | Article
1980 This paper reports a brief summary of the results of an extensive investigation of five common English inflections, utilizing a methodology largely borrowed from Jean Berko. A total of 112 subjects were tested, ranging in age from 3 through 9 years, using a fully representative set of real (both… read more
Introduction: Experimental linguistics in historical perspective. Experimental Linguistics: Integration of theories and applications, Prideaux, Gary D., Bruce L. Derwing and Will Baker (eds.), pp. 1–13 | Miscellaneous