Cherlon Ussery

List of John Benjamins publications for which Cherlon Ussery plays a role.


Ussery, Cherlon and Hjalmar P. Petersen 2023 Ditransitives in Faroese: The distribution of IO/DO and PPDitransitives in Germanic Languages: Synchronic and diachronic aspects, Zehentner, Eva, Melanie Röthlisberger and Timothy Colleman (eds.), pp. 299–324 | Chapter
This paper examines the acceptability of the double object and prepositional frames for ditransitives in Faroese. We build on previous literature which has discussed various factors which may influence speakers’ use of one frame over the other. We report the findings of a judgment study in which… read more
Ussery, Cherlon 2017 Dimensions of Variation: Agreement with Nominative Objects in IcelandicSyntactic Variation in Insular Scandinavian, Thráinsson, Höskuldur, Caroline Heycock, Hjalmar P. Petersen and Zakaris Svabo Hansen (eds.), pp. 165–198 | Chapter
This chapter provides an in-depth investigation of both inter-speaker and intra-speaker variation in agreement with nominative objects and ECM nominative subjects. We both build on previous observations and report the findings of recent fieldwork. We show that in addition to a general dative… read more