Lev Michael

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lev Michael plays a role.


Evidentiality in Interaction

Edited by Janis B. Nuckolls and Lev Michael

[Benjamins Current Topics, 63] 2014. v, 199 pp.
Subjects Pragmatics | Semantics | Theoretical linguistics

Evidentiality in Interaction

Edited by Janis B. Nuckolls and Lev Michael

Special issue of Pragmatics and Society 3:2 (2012) v, 191 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
It has recently been argued that Arawakan languages of South America provide evidence for a novel historical source for standard negation, a privative derivational affix. This hypothesis posits that the prefixal standard negation found in some languages of the family developed from a privative… read more
Chacon, Thiago Costa and Lev Michael 2018 The evolution of subject-verb agreement in Eastern TukanoanThe Evolution of Argument Coding Patterns in South American Languages, Guillaume, Antoine and Spike Gildea (eds.), pp. 59–94 | Article
This article describes the evolution of past/perfective subject-verb agreement morphology in the Tukanoan family, reconstructing relevant aspects of Proto-Tukanoan verbal morphology and delineating the subsequent diachronic development of verbal subject agreement morphology in the Eastern branch… read more
Culture-driven grammaticalization theory posits that cultural influence on linguistic form is mediated by the emergence of communicative practices which increase the frequency of particular lexical items, pragmatic inferences, and patterns of discourse, thereby putting in place a crucial… read more
Michael, Lev 2014 Nanti self-quotation: Implications for the pragmatics of reported speech and evidentialityEvidentiality in Interaction, Nuckolls, Janis B. and Lev Michael (eds.), pp. 155–191 | Article
This chapter describes two quotation strategies employed by speakers of Nanti, one involving grammaticalized quotatives and another involving complement-taking verbs of saying, and examines the consequences of the pragmatic differences between these strategies for two key questions in the study of… read more
Nuckolls, Janis B. and Lev Michael 2014 Evidentials and evidential strategies in interactional and socio-cultural contextEvidentiality in Interaction, Nuckolls, Janis B. and Lev Michael (eds.), pp. 13–20 | Article
Michael, Lev 2012 Nanti self-quotation: Implications for the pragmatics of reported speech and evidentialityEvidentiality in Interaction, Nuckolls, Janis B. and Lev Michael (eds.), pp. 321–357 | Article
This paper describes two quotation strategies employed by speakers of Nanti, one involving grammaticalized quotatives and another involving complement-taking verbs of saying, and examines the consequences of the pragmatic differences between these strategies for two key questions in the study of… read more
Nuckolls, Janis B. and Lev Michael 2012 Evidentials and evidential strategies in interactional and socio-cultural contextEvidentiality in Interaction, Nuckolls, Janis B. and Lev Michael (eds.), pp. 181–188 | Article