Rudolf Engler

List of John Benjamins publications for which Rudolf Engler plays a role.

Engler, Rudolf et Irina Vilkou-Poustovaïa 2003 À Propos de la réflexion phonologique de F. de SaussureHistoriographia Linguistica 30:1/2, pp. 99–128 | Article
Saussure’s reflections on phonology are still today largely unknown. This has several reasons. Until recently, little documentation had been available to prove Saussure’s interest in the subject. Prague phonologists had given a particular interpretation of his general linguistics; the 1916 text… read more
Engler, Rudolf 1995 Iconicity and/or ArbitrarinessIconicity in Language, Simone, Raffaele (ed.), pp. 39–46 | Article
Engler, Rudolf 1986 Philologia linguistica: Lionardo Salviatis Kommentar der Sprache Boccaccios (1584/86)The History of Linguistics in Italy, Ramat, Paolo, Hans-Josef Niederehe and E.F.K. Koerner † (eds.), pp. 85–106 | Article
Summary Lionardo Salviati (1539–89), arbiter of literary and linguistic taste in Florence as well as outside Florence — Tasso and Guarini consulted him — left behind an oeuvre of great verbal art (orations, poetry, theatre pieces, and philosophical treatises), but especially a commentary on the… read more