Alexandru Mardale

List of John Benjamins publications for which Alexandru Mardale plays a role.


Differential Object Marking in Romance: Towards microvariation

Edited by Monica Alexandrina Irimia and Alexandru Mardale

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 280] 2023. viii, 350 pp.
Subjects Generative linguistics | Morphology | Romance linguistics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

The Acquisition of Differential Object Marking

Edited by Alexandru Mardale and Silvina Montrul

[Trends in Language Acquisition Research, 26] 2020. vi, 369 pp.
Subjects Language acquisition | Morphology | Semantics | Syntax
Avram, Larisa, Alexandru Mardale and Elena Soare 2024 Chapter 7. On the production of subject and object relative clauses by child speakers of heritage Romanian in FranceLanguage Acquisition in Romance Languages, Torrens, Vicenç (ed.), pp. 168–196 | Chapter
This study investigates the production of subject and object restrictive relatives in child heritage Romanian in contact with French. The main goal is to evaluate the effect of schooling in the societal language, over a longer period of time, on the acquisition of these complex syntactic… read more
Hill, Virginia and Alexandru Mardale 2023 The dative/accusative alternations in Old RomanianDifferential Object Marking in Romance: Towards microvariation, Irimia, Monica Alexandrina and Alexandru Mardale (eds.), pp. 232–252 | Chapter
This paper contrasts the dative/accusative alternations in Romance languages with Romanian: In Romance, this alternation mediates the emergence of a DOM particle for direct objects, in addition to the preservation of the same particle with the indirect object (morphological extension). The case… read more
Irimia, Monica Alexandrina and Alexandru Mardale 2023 IntroductionDifferential Object Marking in Romance: Towards microvariation, Irimia, Monica Alexandrina and Alexandru Mardale (eds.), pp. 1–23 | Chapter
Mardale, Alexandru and Silvina Montrul 2020 Introduction: Differential Object Marking and its acquisition in different languages and contextsThe Acquisition of Differential Object Marking, Mardale, Alexandru and Silvina Montrul (eds.), pp. 1–20 | Chapter
This volume brings together a selection of papers that were presented at the international workshop on the acquisition of Differential Object Marking (DOM) organized by Alexandru Mardale (INaLCO, SeDyL) in Paris on December 10, 2016 as part of the Unity and diversity in Differential Object Marking… read more
Fagard, Benjamin et Alexandru Mardale 2019 Les prépositions complexes du roumain – approche sur corpusLes prépositions complexes dans les langues romanes, Fagard, Benjamin, José Pinto De Lima and Dejan Stosic (eds.), pp. 176–203 | Article
In this paper, we investigate complex adpositions in Romanian, on the basis of a corpus study. Our goal is to provide an extensive list of complex adpositions and analyze the productivity of various patterns. In order to do so, we selected a number of candidate sequences, applied semantic and… read more
Mardale, Alexandru, Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin and Ion Giurgea 2013 Chapter 8. Adnominal prepositional phrasesA Reference Grammar of Romanian: Volume 1: The noun phrase, Dobrovie-Sorin, Carmen and Ion Giurgea (eds.), pp. 531–564 | Article