Lei Sun

List of John Benjamins publications for which Lei Sun plays a role.


Zhan, Hongwei, Sihong Huang and Lei Sun 2023 Paradigms as second-order schemas in English noun-participle compoundingReview of Cognitive Linguistics 21:2, pp. 542–575 | Article
In Cognitive Linguistics, the noun-participle compound is a grammatical category with instances of different degrees of membership. The purpose of this study is to explore the categorization processes and schematic networks in noun-participle compounding. Working with the data of noun-participle… read more
Sun, Lei and Vincent J. van Heuven 2007 Perceptual assimilation of English vowels by Chinese listeners: Can native-language interference be predicted?Linguistics in the Netherlands 2007, Los, Bettelou and Marjo van Koppen (eds.), pp. 150–161 | Article