Nicholas Evans

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nicholas Evans plays a role.


Book series



Edited by Nicholas Evans and Honoré Watanabe

[Typological Studies in Language, 115] 2016. xii, 435 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics | Typology

Reciprocals and Semantic Typology

Edited by Nicholas Evans, Alice Gaby, Stephen C. Levinson and Asifa Majid

[Typological Studies in Language, 98] 2011. viii, 349 pp.
Subjects Semantics | Theoretical linguistics | Typology
The normal result of language contact is widely assumed to be convergence, as manifested in classic Sprachbünde and caused through metatypy, cognitive economy, shared norms of conversational practice, etc. Yet at the same time there is growing evidence that contact can also produce divergence,… read more
Evans, Nicholas 2016 Born, signed and named: Naming, country and social change among the Bentinck IslandersLand and Language in Cape York Peninsula and the Gulf Country, Verstraete, Jean-Christophe and Diane Hafner (eds.), pp. 305–336 | Article
The rich literature on traditional naming practices in Australia has tended to take a static perspective, yet naming systems can respond in interesting ways to social change. For the Bentinck Islanders (Kaiadilt; language spelled Kayardild) of the South Wellesley Islands in the Gulf of Carpentaria,… read more
Evans, Nicholas and Honoré Watanabe 2016 Chapter 1. The dynamics of insubordination: An overviewInsubordination, Evans, Nicholas and Honoré Watanabe (eds.), pp. 1–38 | Article
This chapter has a triple function, as an introduction to the phenomenon of insubordination with particular exemplification from the Australian language Kayardild, a review article drawing together the last decade of research on the topic, and a reasoned synthesis of the chapters comprising this… read more
Evans, Nicholas and Eva Fenwick 2013 Marking versus indexing: Revisiting the Nichols marking-locus typologyLanguage Typology and Historical Contingency: In honor of Johanna Nichols, Bickel, Balthasar, Lenore A. Grenoble, David A. Peterson and Alan Timberlake (eds.), pp. 69–90 | Article
In this article, we build on Johanna Nichols’s influential typological distinction between head and dependent marking by supplementing it with a further dimension, that of indexing. We focus on possessive constructions. Whereas marking indicates where morphology about a relationship goes, indexing… read more
A task for ontolinguistics is to delimit the set of grammatical devices sensitive to the speech-act nexus – whether speech-act role (speaker, hearer, etc.), knowledge asymmetries (ignoratives and demonstratives), speech-act goals (imperatives, questions, etc.), or social relations (e.g. honorifics). read more
Evans, Nicholas and Toshiki Osada 2011 6. Mundari reciprocalsReciprocals and Semantic Typology, Evans, Nicholas, Alice Gaby, Stephen C. Levinson and Asifa Majid (eds.), pp. 115–128 | Article
This paper investigates the semantics of reciprocal constructions in Mundari, an Austro-Asiatic language of northern India. Two grammatical constructions express reciprocity: a basic construction, which infixes <pV> to verb roots, and a serialised construction adding -idi ‘take’ to the basic… read more
Evans, Nicholas, Stephen C. Levinson, Alice Gaby and Asifa Majid 2011 1. Introduction: Reciprocals and semantic typologyReciprocals and Semantic Typology, Evans, Nicholas, Alice Gaby, Stephen C. Levinson and Asifa Majid (eds.), pp. 1–28 | Article
Reciprocity lies at the heart of social cognition, and with it so does the encoding of reciprocity in language via reciprocal constructions. Despite the prominence of strong universal claims about the semantics of reciprocal constructions, there is considerable descriptive literature on the… read more
Majid, Asifa, Nicholas Evans, Alice Gaby and Stephen C. Levinson 2011 2. The semantics of reciprocal constructions across languages: An extensional approachReciprocals and Semantic Typology, Evans, Nicholas, Alice Gaby, Stephen C. Levinson and Asifa Majid (eds.), pp. 29–60 | Article
How similar are reciprocal constructions in the semantic parameters they encode? We investigate this question by using an extensional approach, which examines similarity of meaning by examining how constructions are applied over a set of 64 videoclips depicting reciprocal events (Evans et al. 2004). read more
Evans, Nicholas 2007 4. Standing up your mind: Remembering in DalabonThe Language of Memory in a Crosslinguistic Perspective, Amberber, Mengistu (ed.), pp. 67–95 | Article
This paper explores the vocabulary of mental states, knowing, thinking and remembering in Dalabon, an Australian Aboriginal language. Though Dalabon has a rich vocabulary for the overall semantic domain of attention, thought, memory and forgetting, there are no expressions specifi cally dedicated… read more
Evans, Nicholas 2004 8. Experiencer objects in Iwaidjan languages (Australia)Non-nominative Subjects: Volume 1, Bhaskararao, Peri and Karumuri V. Subbarao (eds.), pp. 169 ff. | Chapter
Corbett, Greville G., Dunstan Brown and Nicholas Evans 2002 7. Morphology, typology, computationMorphology 2000: Selected papers from the 9th Morphology Meeting, Vienna, 24–28 February 2000, Bendjaballah, Sabrina, Wolfgang U. Dressler, Oskar E. Pfeiffer and Maria D. Voeikova (eds.), pp. 91–104 | Chapter
Evans, Nicholas 1998 Iwaidja mutations and its originsCase, Typology and Grammar: In honor of Barry J. Blake, Siewierska, Anna and Jae Jung Song (eds.), pp. 115 ff. | Article
Evans, Nicholas 1997 Head Classes and Agreement Classes in the Mayali Dialect ChainNominal Classification in Aboriginal Australia, Harvey, Mark and Nicholas Reid (eds.), pp. 105 ff. | Article
Evans, Nicholas 1994 8 KayardildSemantic and Lexical Universals: Theory and empirical findings, Goddard, Cliff and Anna Wierzbicka (eds.), pp. 203 ff. | Chapter
Evans, Nicholas 1988 Odd Topic Marking in KayadildComplex Sentence Constructions in Australian Languages, Austin, Peter (ed.), pp. 219 ff. | Article