Ingrid Kurz

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ingrid Kurz plays a role.


History of Interpreting

Edited by Ingrid Kurz and Margareta Bowen

Special issue of Interpreting 4:1 (1999) 
Subjects History of linguistics | Interpreting
Liu, Minhua, Ingrid Kurz, Barbara Moser-Mercer and Miriam Shlesinger † 2020 The interpreter’s aging: A unique story of multilingual cognitive decline?Translation, Cognition & Behavior 3:2, pp. 287–309 | Article
This article reports part of the first phase of the AIIC Lifespan Study, for which ten conference interpreters over 70 years old were interviewed to learn how interpreters’ professional language experiences interact with their cognitive functions and, specifically, if they demonstrate different… read more
Kurz, Ingrid 2014 On the (in)fidelity of (fictional) interpretersTransfiction: Research into the realities of translation fiction, Kaindl, Klaus and Karlheinz Spitzl (eds.), pp. 205–220 | Article
Kurz, Ingrid and Elvira Basel 2009 The Impact of Non-native English on Information Transfer in Simultaneous InterpretationFORUM 7:2, pp. 187–213 | Article
Dans la deuxième moitie du 20ème siècle, l’anglais est devenu la langue de conférence la plus répandue. Dans les réunions internationales conduites en anglais, la plupart des participants sont des locuteurs non natifs dont le lexique, la syntaxe et l’élocution diffèrent de l’anglais standard. Ils… read more
Kurz, Ingrid 2008 The impact of non-native English on students' interpreting performanceEfforts and Models in Interpreting and Translation Research: A tribute to Daniel Gile, Hansen, Gyde, Andrew Chesterman and Heidrun Gerzymisch-Arbogast (eds.), pp. 179–192 | Article
English has become the world’s lingua franca and dominant conference language. Consequently, interpreters are increasingly confronted with nonnative speakers whose pronunciation differs from Standard English. Non-native source texts which deviate from familiar acoustic-phonetic patterns make… read more
Kurz, Ingrid and Birgit Färber 2003 Anticipation in German-English Simultaneous InterpretingFORUM 1:2, pp. 123–150 | Article
Abstract/Résumé L’anticipation, au niveau linguistique aussi bien qu’extralinguistique, a depuis toujours été considérée être une stratégie importante de l’interprétation simultanée (IS). Dans la première partie de son rapport, les auteurs passent en revue les définitions et classifications de… read more
Kurz, Ingrid 2002 Physiological stress responses during media and conference interpretingInterpreting in the 21st Century: Challenges and opportunities, Garzone, Giuliana and Maurizio Viezzi (eds.), pp. 195–202 | Article
Kurz, Ingrid 2001 Small projects in interpretation researchGetting Started in Interpreting Research: Methodological reflections, personal accounts and advice for beginners, Gile, Daniel, Helle V. Dam, Friedel Dubslaff, Bodil Martinsen and Anne Schjoldager (eds.), pp. 101–120 | Article
Kurz, Ingrid and Margareta Bowen 1999 EditorialHistory of Interpreting, Kurz, Ingrid and Margareta Bowen (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Miscellaneous
Kurz, Ingrid 1997 Getting the message across — Simultaneous interpreting forr the mediaTranslation as Intercultural Communication: Selected papers from the EST Congress, Prague 1995, Snell-Hornby, Mary, Zuzana Jettmarová and Klaus Kaindl (eds.), pp. 195–206 | Article
Bowen, Margareta 1995 9. Interpreters and the making of historyTranslators through History, Delisle, Jean and Judith Woodsworth, pp. 245–280 | Chapter
Kurz, Ingrid 1995 Interdisciplinary Research—Difficulties and BenefitsInterpreting Research, Gile, Daniel (ed.), pp. 165–179 | Article
Part One outlines the desirability and difficulties of an interdisciplinary approach to interpretation research and theory. Part Two describes the design, implementation and first results of a collaborative study: EEG recordings during mental simultaneous interpretation into L1 and L2 were compared… read more
Kurz, Ingrid 1990 Overcoming language barriers in european televisionInterpreting: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, Bowen, David and Margareta Bowen (eds.), pp. 168–175 | Article
Kurz, Ingrid 1986 Dolmetschen im alten RomBabel 32:4, pp. 215–220 | Article