Dariusz Jakubowski

List of John Benjamins publications for which Dariusz Jakubowski plays a role.


Chmiel, Agnieszka, Marta Kajzer-Wietrzny, Danijel Koržinek, Dariusz Jakubowski and Przemysław Janikowski 2024 Syntax, stress and cognitive load, or on syntactic processing in simultaneous interpretingTranslation and Interpreting at the Interface of Cognition and Emotion, Rojo López, Ana María and Purificación Meseguer Cutillas (eds.), pp. 22–47 | Article
This corpus-based study examines the effect of syntactic complexity in the source language on simultaneous interpreters’ cognitive load and stress. Previous studies show contrasting results regarding the source text syntax and cognitive load in interpreting, while the link between syntactic… read more