Donka F. Farkas

List of John Benjamins publications for which Donka F. Farkas plays a role.


Approaches to Hungarian 18: Special issue of the Journal of Uralic Linguistics 2:1 (2023)

Edited by Donka F. Farkas, Gábor Alberti and Balázs Surányi

Special issue of Journal of Uralic Linguistics 2:1 (2023) v, 153 pp.
Subjects Theoretical linguistics | Uralic languages
Farkas, Donka F. 2023 Bias and anti-bias: Two case studies from HungarianApproaches to Hungarian 18: Special issue of the Journal of Uralic Linguistics 2:1 (2023), Farkas, Donka F., Gábor Alberti and Balázs Surányi (eds.), pp. 96–126 | Article
This paper proposes an account of the interpretive effects of two discourse particles in Hungarian, talán and vajon, within the view of context and context change developed in Farkas & Roelofsen (2017), and shows that the restrictions on their distribution follow from their interpretive… read more
Dobrovie-Sorin, Carmen, Ion Giurgea and Donka F. Farkas 2013 Chapter 1. Introduction: Nominal features and nominal projectionsA Reference Grammar of Romanian: Volume 1: The noun phrase, Dobrovie-Sorin, Carmen and Ion Giurgea (eds.), pp. 1–48 | Article
Farkas, Donka F. 2013 Chapter 4. The semantics of determinersA Reference Grammar of Romanian: Volume 1: The noun phrase, Dobrovie-Sorin, Carmen and Ion Giurgea (eds.), pp. 175–230 | Article
This paper contrasts the distribution and interpretation of ‘polarity particles’ in English and Romanian. Polarity particles (yes, no in English, da, nu, ba in Romanian) occur at the left edge of utterances that react to assertions, polar questions and imperatives but cannot be used in ‘out of the… read more
Farkas, Donka F. 2010 The grammar of polarity particles in RomanianEdges, Heads, and Projections: Interface properties, Di Sciullo, Anna Maria and Virginia Hill (eds.), pp. 87–124 | Article
This paper considers the use of the polarity particles da ‘yes’, nu ‘no’ and ba in Romanian reactions to assertions and polar questions against a view of context structure that allows one to capture the essential differences and similarities between assertions and polar questions. The three… read more
Farkas, Donka F. 2009 Polarity particles in HungarianApproaches to Hungarian: Volume 11: Papers from the 2007 New York Conference, Dikken, Marcel den and Robert M. Vago (eds.), pp. 95–118 | Article
This paper proposes an account of the distribution and role of a set of particles in Hungarian dubbed `polarity particles’, which include igen `yes’, nem `no’, and de `but’. These particles occur at the leftmost edge of a class of assertions uttered as reactions to an immediately preceding… read more
Farkas, Donka F. 2006 The unmarked determinerNon-definiteness and Plurality, Vogeleer, Svetlana and Liliane Tasmowski (eds.), pp. 81–105 | Article
Farkas, Donka F. 2006 Free choice in RomanianDrawing the Boundaries of Meaning: Neo-Gricean studies in pragmatics and semantics in honor of Laurence R. Horn, Birner, Betty J. and Gregory Ward (eds.), pp. 71–94 | Article
Farkas, Donka F. 2002 Extreme Non-Specificity in RomanianRomance Languages and Linguistic Theory 2000: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 2000, Utrecht, 30 November–2 December, Beyssade, Claire, Reineke Bok-Bennema, Frank Drijkoningen and Paola Monachesi (eds.), pp. 127–151 | Article
Farkas, Donka F. and Draga Zec 1995 Agreement and Pronominal ReferenceAdvances in Roumanian Linguistics, Cinque, Guglielmo and Giuliana Giusti (eds.), pp. 83–102 | Article
Farkas, Donka F. 1992 Two Types of “World-Greating” PredicatesThe Joy of Grammar: A festschrift in honor of James D. McCawley, Brentari, Diane, Gary N. Larson and Lynn A. MacLeod (eds.), pp. 35–64 | Article