Alberto Hijazo-Gascón
List of John Benjamins publications for which Alberto Hijazo-Gascón plays a role.
Translating accurately or sounding natural? The interpreters’ challenges due to semantic typology and the interpreting process Police Interviews: Communication challenges and solutions, Filipović, Luna (ed.), pp. 73–94 | Chapter
2021 Police interview interpreting is a complex task, as interpreters make difficult choices under pressure and time constraints. The main dilemma of the interpreter is whether to remain faithful to the original text, with the risk of rendering non-idiomatic translations, or to give preference to… read more
Translating accurately or sounding natural? The interpreters’ challenges due to semantic typology and the interpreting process Police interviews: Communication challenges and solutions, Filipović, Luna (ed.), pp. 72–94 | Article
2019 Police interview interpreting is a complex task, as interpreters make difficult choices under pressure and time constraints. The main dilemma of the interpreter is whether to remain faithful to the original text, with the risk of rendering non-idiomatic translations, or to give preference to… read more
The role of force dynamics and intentionality in the reconstruction of L2 verb meanings: A Danish-Spanish bidirectional study Applying Cognitive Linguistics: Figurative language in use, constructions and typology, Piquer-Píriz, Ana M. and Rafael Alejo-González (eds.), pp. 133–156 | Article
2018 This chapter examines the role of force dynamics and intentionality in thedescription of placement events by two groups of native speakers of typologically and genetically different languages, Danish and Spanish, and by two groups of intermediate adult learners, Danish learners of L2 Spanish… read more
Chapter 11. Motion event contrasts in Romance languages: Deixis in Spanish as a second language Motion and Space across Languages: Theory and applications, Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide (ed.), pp. 301–328 | Chapter
2017 This chapter explores language contrasts among Romance languages in the semantic domain of motion events. Romance languages are verb-framed languages in the typology of motion events by Talmy (1985, 2000). However, some intratypological differences have been observed among them, regarding the… read more
Chapter 4. The importance of minority languages in motion event typology: The case of Aragonese and Catalan Motion and Space across Languages: Theory and applications, Ibarretxe-Antuñano, Iraide (ed.), pp. 123–150 | Chapter
2017 Romance languages have been classified as verb-framed languages in Talmy’s typology (1991, 2000). However, it has been argued that languages with the same genetic affiliation and/or within the same typological group do not necessarily show the same behavior when it comes to describe motion events,… read more
The role of force dynamics and intentionality in the reconstruction of L2 verb meanings: A Danish-Spanish bidirectional study Applying Cognitive Linguistics: Figurative language in use, constructions and typology, Piquer-Píriz, Ana M. and Rafael Alejo-González (eds.), pp. 136–160 | Article
2016 This paper examines the role of force dynamics and intentionality in the description of placement events by two groups of native speakers of typologically and genetically different languages, Danish and Spanish, and by two groups of intermediate adult learners, Danish learners of L2 Spanish and… read more
Same family, different paths: Intratypological differences in three Romance languages Variation and Change in the Encoding of Motion Events, Goschler, Juliana and Anatol Stefanowitsch (eds.), pp. 39–54 | Article
2013 This chapter examines the intratypological variation that exists in verbframed Romance languages with respect to the semantic component of Path. Based on contrastive elicited data from the Frog stories in French, Italian, and Spanish, it is shown that Italian speakers, contrary to what is expected… read more
15. Variation in motion events: Theory and applications Space and Time in Languages and Cultures: Linguistic diversity, Filipović, Luna and Katarzyna M. Jaszczolt (eds.), pp. 349–372 | Article
2012 This chapter analyses the role of intratypological and dialectal variation in the lexicalisation of motion events (Talmy 1991, 2000) and its application to second language acquisition. The first part discusses intratypological variation with respect to the semantic component of Path and proposes a… read more