Gisela Granena

List of John Benjamins publications for which Gisela Granena plays a role.


Cognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition

Edited by Gisela Granena, Daniel O. Jackson and Yucel Yilmaz

[Bilingual Processing and Acquisition, 3] 2016. vi, 353 pp.
Subjects Cognition and language | Language acquisition | Multilingualism | Psycholinguistics | Theoretical linguistics
Subjects Applied linguistics | Cognition and language | Language acquisition | Psycholinguistics
Granena, Gisela and Yucel Yilmaz 2022 Chapter 7. Immediate versus delayed oral negative feedback: A comparison of psycholinguistic advantagesSecond Language Acquisition Theory: The legacy of Professor Michael H. Long, Benati, Alessandro G. and John W. Schwieter (eds.), pp. 127–142 | Chapter
Long’s Interaction Hypothesis (1981, 1983) provides a theoretical framework for understanding how interaction can contribute to second language (L2) acquisition. Specifically, negative feedback provided during interaction is viewed as a feature that can facilitate L2 development by drawing… read more
This chapter reports on the results of a follow-up analysis of Granena and Long (2013), which found a significant relationship between language aptitude and pronunciation ratings on a read-aloud task in late L2 learners with ages of onset 16+. Granena and Long argued that the relationship could… read more
Granena, Gisela and Yucel Yilmaz 2021 Phonological short-term memory capacity and L2 oral performanceAptitude-Treatment Interaction in Second Language Learning, DeKeyser, Robert M. (ed.), pp. 153–171 | Chapter
phonological short-term memory (PSTM) capacity is the ability to retain verbal information briefly (Archibald & Gathercole, 2006). Since PSTM facilitates the storage of verbal material, one expects a positive relationship between PSTM and several aspects of second language (L2) learning. Some… read more
Granena, Gisela and Yucel Yilmaz 2019 Phonological short-term memory capacity and L2 oral performanceAptitude-treatment interaction in second language learning, DeKeyser, Robert M. (ed.), pp. 317–335 | Article
Phonological short-term memory (PSTM) capacity is the ability to retain verbal information briefly (Archibald & Gathercole, 2006). Since PSTM facilitates the storage of verbal material, one expects a positive relationship between PSTM and several aspects of second language (L2) learning. Some… read more
Elicited imitation (EI) is an oral production task considered to be conducive to the retrieval of implicit second language (L2) knowledge (e.g. Bley-Vroman & Chaudron 1994; Chaudron, Prior, & Kozok 2005; Ellis 2005; Erlam 2006). This study aimed at contributing to testing the validity of EI as a… read more
Granena, Gisela, Daniel O. Jackson and Yucel Yilmaz 2016 Introduction. Cognitive individual differences in second language learning and processingCognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition, Granena, Gisela, Daniel O. Jackson and Yucel Yilmaz (eds.), pp. 1–14 | Introduction
In this introductory chapter, we first describe the rationale for this volume, linking cognitive individual differences (IDs) to previous research in second language acquisition (SLA), and other, related fields. Next, we present a definition of cognitive abilities and illustrate how differences… read more
Yilmaz, Yucel, Gisela Granena and Zachary S. Meyer 2016 The role of explicit language aptitude in implicit, explicit, and mixed feedback conditionsCognitive Individual Differences in Second Language Processing and Acquisition, Granena, Gisela, Daniel O. Jackson and Yucel Yilmaz (eds.), pp. 327–349 | Chapter
This study examined whether there is any relationship between second language (L2) learning outcomes under different negative feedback conditions and cognitive abilities for language learning that involve explicit cognitive processes (i.e. explicit language aptitude). The study followed a… read more
Goo, Jaemyung, Gisela Granena, Yucel Yilmaz and Miguel Novella 2015 Implicit and explicit instruction in L2 learning: Norris & Ortega (2000) revisited and updatedImplicit and Explicit Learning of Languages, Rebuschat, Patrick (ed.), pp. 443–482 | Article
More than a decade has passed since Norris and Ortega’s (2000) seminal meta-analysis on the effectiveness of instruction in L2 learning. This line of research has matured for another research synthesis, which led to the present meta-analytic review. Thirty-four unique sample studies, in each of… read more
Granena, Gisela 2013 Reexamining the robustness of aptitude in second language acquisitionSensitive periods, language aptitude, and ultimate L2 attainment, Granena, Gisela and Mike Long (eds.), pp. 179–204 | Article
Research on language aptitude has focused extensively on instructed second language (L2) learning and rate of L2 learning, but rarely on long-term L2 achievement in a naturalistic context. In addition, the few studies that have investigated the role of aptitude in morphosyntactic L2 attainment (e.g. read more
The LLAMA Language Aptitude Tests (Meara 2005) are a set of exploratory tests designed to assess aptitude for second language (L2) learning. In its current or earlier version (i.e. the LLAMA or LAT), this battery of four subtests has been used in an increasing number of studies in the second… read more
Granena, Gisela and Mike Long 2013 Introduction and overviewSensitive periods, language aptitude, and ultimate L2 attainment, Granena, Gisela and Mike Long (eds.), pp. ix–xvi | Article