This study explores the development of L2 phraseological knowledge, focusing on the relationship between L2 proficiency and the use of adjective-noun combinations from the perspective of collocation density and association strength. While a growing body of evidence suggests that more advanced L2… read more
Learner and L2 user corpora are increasingly valued in language testing and assessment as they can inform test design, revision, and validation. This paper illustrates the benefits of using an L2 corpus to explore patterns of epistemic stance marking in computer-mediated speaking tests with no… read more
This study explores phraseological complexity in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners’ spoken production across proficiency levels in the Trinity Lancaster Corpus. Phraseological diversity and sophistication are operationalized as root type-token ratios and median mutual information… read more
Corpora and corpus techniques have long been an important source of knowledge about language; they have also been increasingly used for language teaching purposes. This chapter discusses the role of spoken learner corpora in language pedagogy and in development of language teaching materials. In… read more
This paper introduces a new corpus resource for language learning research, the Trinity Lancaster Corpus (TLC), which contains 4.2 million words of interaction between L1 and L2 speakers of English. The corpus includes spoken production from over 2,000 L2 speakers from different linguistic and… read more