This chapter describes the distinctive state of mind of Mindfulness (also referred to as Contemplation) and argues for its inclusion in Multiliteracies pedagogy (Cope & Kalantzis, 2015). Contemplative literacy practices encourage instructors and learners to focus on the present moment, thereby… read more
Our objective is to discover if metadialogic discussion by participants and researchers increases their understanding of the dialogue. We videotaped a native Spanish speaker and a fifth-semester Spanish learner from the U.S. as they discussed a conversational prompt. Next, a facilitator guided the… read more
This study examines how participants in Cultura, an online intercultural exchange between French and American students, explore the nature of language and culture in an asynchronous forum. The goal is to determine the influence of Cultura’s instructional design on the participants’ discursive… read more
Construction grammarians analyze grammar in terms of conventional pairings of form and meaning (Fillmore et al. 1988; Goldberg 1995, 2006) that are largely limited to the sentence (Lambrecht 1994, 2004). Recently, construction grammarians have moved beyond sentential boundaries to consider… read more
“One of the most important things we do with wordsis take a stance.”
John Du Bois (2007: 139)
This study examines the cultural, grammatical, and interactional features of the opinions expressed by French and American college students during telecollaborative discussions of individualism. Research… read more