Li Zhang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Li Zhang plays a role.


Zhang, Li and Xulu Xue 2019 Study on decision-making of soccer robot based on rough set theoryHuman Robot Collaborative Intelligence: Theory and applications, Yang, Chenguang, Xiaofeng Liu, Junpei Zhong and Angelo Cangelosi (eds.), pp. 61–77 | Article
“Rough set” is a theory put forward by the polish scholar Z. Pawlak, which is a useful mathematics tool for dealing with vague and uncertain information. Rough set theory can achieve a subset of all attribute which preserves the discernible ability of original features, by using the data only… read more
Liu, Fengguang, Li Zhang, Juliane House and Dániel Z. Kádár Flattery in historical China: A pragmatic perspectivePragmatics: Online-First Articles | Article
In this study we examine how flattery was realised in historical Chinese interactions. We bring together ritual, speech acts and interaction, studying a corpus of interactions drawn from the late imperial satirical novel Guanchang Xianxing Ji 官场现形记 (‘Officialdom Unmasked’). Many claims have been… read more