Michael Aceto

List of John Benjamins publications for which Michael Aceto plays a role.


Contact Englishes of the Eastern Caribbean

Edited by Michael Aceto and Jeffrey P. Williams

[Varieties of English Around the World, G30] 2003. xx, 322 pp.
Subjects Contact Linguistics | Creole studies | English linguistics | Germanic linguistics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology
Aceto, Michael and Jeffrey P. Williams 2003 IntroductionContact Englishes of the Eastern Caribbean, Aceto, Michael and Jeffrey P. Williams (eds.), pp. xiii–xx | Miscellaneous
This article presents some of the core grammatical features of Barbudan Creole English, an Anglophone language that has never been described in the linguistics or creolistics literature. It begins with a historical presentation of Barbuda within the British colonial world, discussing the island’s… read more
This paper discusses internally-motivated change as a largely ignored factor in understanding diachrony in creole languages: that is, externally-motivated models — and the most popular of these is certainly decreolization and the related concept of the creole continuum — have been nearly… read more
This paper presents a diachronic analysis of Saramaccan syllable structure. It examines data from Schumann's 1778 manuscript, and demonstrates that early Saramaccan syllable structure included complex onsets. A case is also made that in the last two centuries, these complex onsets in Saramaccan… read more