Ingrid Wijeyewardene

List of John Benjamins publications for which Ingrid Wijeyewardene plays a role.


The Social Semiotic Forum: Special issue of the Journal Language, Context and Text 6:1 (2024)

Edited by Elizabeth A. Thomson, Awni Etaywe, Ingrid Wijeyewardene and Penny Wheeler

Special issue of Language, Context and Text 6:1 (2024) vi, 225 pp.
Subjects Applied linguistics | Functional linguistics | Semiotics | Theoretical linguistics


Etaywe, Awni, Elizabeth A. Thomson and Ingrid Wijeyewardene 2024 Moving towards peace, compassion and empathy through semiotic enquiryThe Social Semiotic Forum: Special issue of the Journal Language, Context and Text 6:1 (2024), Thomson, Elizabeth A., Awni Etaywe, Ingrid Wijeyewardene and Penny Wheeler (eds.), pp. 2–26 | Article
In our interconnected world, exposure to hate, fear, violence and adversarial communication is commonplace. Yet, this exposure underscores the urgent need for a more just, peaceful, and inclusive society. While research stresses the importance of nurturing peace, compassion and empathy for… read more
Wijeyewardene, Ingrid 2024 Constructing resistance in the quest for social justice: A study of a fracturing in Thai hegemonyThe Social Semiotic Forum: Special issue of the Journal Language, Context and Text 6:1 (2024), Thomson, Elizabeth A., Awni Etaywe, Ingrid Wijeyewardene and Penny Wheeler (eds.), pp. 27–59 | Article
This study adopts the concept of “positive peace” and draws on critical discourse studies to investigate the texts of two Thai activists responding to the 2006 coup d’état and subsequent events in Thailand. The study analyses the texts from a systemic functional linguistic (SFL) perspective to… read more