Heike Wiese

List of John Benjamins publications for which Heike Wiese plays a role.



Edited by Rita Finkbeiner, Jörg Meibauer and Heike Wiese

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 228] 2016. vii, 357 pp.
Subjects Pragmatics | Semantics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics

Pronouns – Grammar and Representation

Edited by Horst J. Simon and Heike Wiese

[Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today, 52] 2002. xii, 294 pp.
Subjects Psycholinguistics | Semantics | Syntax | Typology
Labrenz, Annika, Heike Wiese, Tatiana Pashkova and Shanley E.M. Allen 2022 The three-dot sign in language contactDiscourse-pragmatic markers, fillers and filled pauses: Pragmatic, cognitive, multimodal and sociolinguistic perspectives, Beeching, Kate, Grant Howie, Minna Kirjavainen and Anna Piasecki (eds.), pp. 246–271 | Article
In this study, we investigate the three-dot sign as a discourse marker (DM) with textual, subjective and intersubjective discourse functions. As a graphical marker that is used across languages, the three-dot sign is especially suitable for comparative studies and dynamics in language contact.… read more
Wiese, Heike and Annika Labrenz 2021 Chapter 10. Emoji as graphic discourse markers: Functional and positional associations in German WhatsApp® messagesPragmatic Markers and Peripheries, Van Olmen, Daniël and Jolanta Šinkūnienė (eds.), pp. 277–300 | Chapter
We investigate emoji as graphic discourse markers in German WhatsApp® messages. As comparably novel devices in the rapidly evolving domain of digital messenging, emoji provide an interesting example to observe change in progress. We present a corpus study and an experimental study. Main results… read more
Finkbeiner, Rita, Jörg Meibauer and Heike Wiese 2016 What is pejoration, and how can it be expressed in language?Pejoration, Finkbeiner, Rita, Jörg Meibauer and Heike Wiese (eds.), pp. 1–18 | Article
Wiese, Heike and Nilgin Tanis Polat 2016 Pejoration in contact: m-reduplication and other examples from urban GermanPejoration, Finkbeiner, Rita, Jörg Meibauer and Heike Wiese (eds.), pp. 243–268 | Article
This paper analyses examples of pejoration in the dynamic multilinguals setting of urban German, and their possible Turkish sources. The focus of our investigation is on pejorative functions of m-reduplication (“Cola Mola”). In addition, we discuss usages of “Scherz”/“Spaß” ‘joke, fun’ in urban… read more
Wittenberg, Eva, Ray Jackendoff, Gina Kuperberg, Martin Paczynski, Jesse Snedeker and Heike Wiese 2014 The mental representation and processing of light verbsStructuring the Argument: Multidisciplinary research on verb argument structure, Bachrach, Asaf, Isabelle Roy and Linnaea Stockall (eds.), pp. 61–80 | Article
This article gives an overview of our ongoing research on the processing and representation of light verb constructions. Light verb constructions consist of a light verb, which is semantically bleached, and an event nominal, which identifies the kind of event. Together the noun and the verb… read more
Freywald, Ulrike, Katharina Mayr, Tiner Özçelik and Heike Wiese 2011 Kiezdeutsch as a multiethnolectEthnic Styles of Speaking in European Metropolitan Areas, Kern, Friederike and Margret Selting (eds.), pp. 45–73 | Article
This paper deals with Kiezdeutsch, a way of speaking that emerged among adolescents in multiethnic urban neighbourhoods of Germany. We argue for a view of Kiez­deutsch as a multiethnolect, based on a recognition study that tested the acceptability and evaluation of such features by adolescents from… read more
Wiese, Heike and Horst J. Simon 2002 Grammatical properties of pronouns and their representation: An expositionPronouns – Grammar and Representation, Simon, Horst J. and Heike Wiese (eds.), pp. 1–21 | Article