Christa König

List of John Benjamins publications for which Christa König plays a role.


Geographical Typology and Linguistic Areas: With special reference to Africa

Edited by Osamu Hieda, Christa König and Hiroshi Nakagawa

[Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, 2] 2011. vi, 321 pp.
Subjects Afro-Asiatic languages | Other African languages | Typology
Heine, Bernd, Christa König and Karsten Legere 2016 Reacting to language endangerment: The Akie of north-central TanzaniaEndangered Languages and Languages in Danger: Issues of documentation, policy, and language rights, Filipović, Luna and Martin Pütz (eds.), pp. 313–333 | Article
Language endangerment in Africa is of a different kind than it is in many other parts of the world. Globalization and the impact of languages such as English, French, or Portuguese are not a major problem for the maintenance of African languages. Language loss is no less a factor in Africa than it… read more
König, Christa 2011 IntroductionGeographical Typology and Linguistic Areas: With special reference to Africa, Hieda, Osamu, Christa König and Hiroshi Nakagawa (eds.), pp. 7–11 | Article
König, Christa 2011 Case Marking and Linguistic GeographyGeographical Typology and Linguistic Areas: With special reference to Africa, Hieda, Osamu, Christa König and Hiroshi Nakagawa (eds.), pp. 67–90 | Article
König, Christa 2009 IkCoding Participant Marking: Construction types in twelve African languages, Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. (ed.), pp. 141–172 | Article
On African standards, the Kuliak language Ik is one of the few languages with an elaborated case system: Seven cases are distinguished by nominal suffixes. Case is highly productive. Nearly all elements of the language are at least to some extent case inflected: Nouns, adverbs, adpositions, verbs,… read more
König, Christa 2009 !XunCoding Participant Marking: Construction types in twelve African languages, Dimmendaal, Gerrit J. (ed.), pp. 23–53 | Article
!Xun (also known as Jul'hoan) is essentially an isolating language. Phonetically it represents one of the most complex languages of the world (see Heikkinen 1986). It shows a productive serial verb construction (Svc) which has properties of compounding. Although nearly all verbs of the language can… read more
König, Christa 2006 Case in Africa: On categorial misbehaviorStudies in African Linguistic Typology, Voeltz, F.K. Erhard (ed.), pp. 195–207 | Article
König, Christa 2006 Marked nominative in AfricaStudies in Language 30:4, pp. 655–732 | Article
Africa is a continent where grammaticalized case systems are a rare phenomenon. But there is one exception: East Africa is a region where there is a relatively high occurrence of case languages (that is, languages with a grammaticalized case system). With regard to the type of case systems which… read more
Heine, Bernd and Christa König 2005 Grammatical Hybrids: Between Serialization, Compounding and Derivation in !Xun (North Khoisan)Morphology and its demarcations: Selected papers from the 11th Morphology meeting, Vienna, February 2004, Dressler, Wolfgang U., Dieter Kastovsky, Oskar E. Pfeiffer and Franz Rainer (eds.), pp. 81–96 | Article
König, Christa and Bernd Heine 2003 Location and motion in !Xun (Namibia)Motion, Direction and Location in Languages: In honor of Zygmunt Frajzyngier, Shay, Erin and Uwe Seibert (eds.), pp. 129–150 | Article