Nashwa Nashaat-Sobhy

List of John Benjamins publications for which Nashwa Nashaat-Sobhy plays a role.

Valcke, Jennifer, Nashwa Nashaat-Sobhy, Davinia Sanchez-Garcia and Julie Walaszczyk 2022 Teacher development to mediate global citizenship in English-medium education contextsJournal of English-Medium Instruction 1:1, pp. 65–84 | Article
This paper reviews how higher education should rethink the Continuous Professional Development (CPD) of their teaching staff, so that English-Medium Education (EME) is integrated in addressing issues of sustainability (solving problems that threaten humanity and the quality of life). Four focal… read more
Llinares, Ana and Nashwa Nashaat-Sobhy 2021 What is an ecosystem? Defining science in primary school CLIL contextsResearch on EFL learning by young children in Spain, García Mayo, María del Pilar (ed.), pp. 337–362 | Article
In Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) contexts, students are expected to express disciplinary knowledge in a second/foreign language. One construct that has proven useful for the identification and realization of language functions in disciplinary knowledge is Dalton-Puffer’s (2013)… read more
This study is a mixed-method, cross-sectional study that compares the acquisition of request modification in the productions of two secondary school groups (15–16 years old) in two school programs: content and language integrated learning (CLIL) and traditional mainstream (non-CLIL). A total of… read more
Nashaat-Sobhy, Nashwa 2017 Investigating pragmatics in CLIL through students’ requestsApplied Linguistics Perspectives on CLIL, Llinares, Ana and Tom Morton (eds.), pp. 67–88 | Article
The study compares how three groups of learners at different educational levels in CLIL, post-CLIL and EFL classes modify their requests which were elicited by means of a written discourse completion task with two situations (different power relations). Data analysis is based on earlier request… read more
This systematic review examines scaffolding practices in science instruction within Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) environments, where English as a foreign language is the medium of instruction (L2). Adopting PRISMA guidelines, 1,052 records were identified, of which 19 were… read more