Edna F. Lima
List of John Benjamins publications for which Edna F. Lima plays a role.
A closer look at the Supra Tutor’s prosody lessons and the pedagogical and technological rationale behind them Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 9:3, pp. 350–361 | Article
2023 This report provides a detailed discussion of the suprasegmental lessons in the Supra Tutor course and the main teaching approaches and pedagogical and technological decisions behind those lessons. First, the paper provides a brief background section explaining the study (Lima, 2020), its target… read more
The Supra Tutor: Improving speaker comprehensibility through a fully online pronunciation course Journal of Second Language Pronunciation 6:1, pp. 39–67 | Article
2020 Pronunciation is critical for English oral language proficiency because of its immediate role in language judgments. However, effective and targeted English pronunciation instruction is scarce. Given the need for pronunciation instruction and the undeniable impact of suprasegmentals on… read more