Hui-Huan Ann Chang

List of John Benjamins publications for which Hui-Huan Ann Chang plays a role.


Yami relative clauses (RCs) can either precede the head noun, for example, kanakan ‘child,’ as in ko ni-ma-cita o [ji yákneng] a kanakan ‘I saw the child who cannot hold still’, functioning as restrictive RCs ([RC] + a + Head NP), or follow it as in ko ni-ma-cita o kanakan a [ji yákneng] ‘I saw… read more
Rau, Victoria, Hui-Huan Ann Chang and Maa-Neu Dong 2009 11. A tale of two diphthongs in an indigenous minority language: Yami of TaiwanVariation in Indigenous Minority Languages, Stanford, James N. and Dennis R. Preston (eds.), pp. 259–279 | Article
This study investigates the phonological variation and sound change in the Yami diphthongs (ay) and (aw) (e.g., mangay ~ mangey ‘go’, araw ~ arow ‘day, sun’), a Philippine language spoken on Orchid Island, 60 kilometers southeast of Taiwan. Previous studies (Rau & Chang 2006; Rau & Dong 2006) found… read more