Violeta Sotirova

List of John Benjamins publications for which Violeta Sotirova plays a role.


Linguistics and Literary History: In honour of Sylvia Adamson

Edited by Anita Auer, Victorina González-Díaz, Jane Hodson and Violeta Sotirova

[Linguistic Approaches to Literature, 25] 2016. vi, 216 pp.
Subjects Discourse studies | Historical linguistics | Pragmatics | Sociolinguistics and Dialectology | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Auer, Anita, Victorina González-Díaz, Jane Hodson and Violeta Sotirova 2016 IntroductionLinguistics and Literary History: In honour of Sylvia Adamson, Auer, Anita, Victorina González-Díaz, Jane Hodson and Violeta Sotirova (eds.), pp. 1–12 | Article
Sotirova, Violeta 2016 Chapter 12. Empirical stylistics as a learning and research tool in the study of narrative viewpointScientific Approaches to Literature in Learning Environments, Burke, Michael, Olivia Fialho and Sonia Zyngier (eds.), pp. 227–252 | Article
This chapter reports a study on students’ responses to a passage by Virginia Woolf which displays frequent shifts in viewpoint and a variety of speech and thought presentation modes. The students were asked to attribute the viewpoint in the passage and to demarcate the boundaries of individual… read more
Sotirova, Violeta 2016 Chapter 9. Dismantling narrative modes: Authorial revisions in the opening of Mrs DallowayLinguistics and Literary History: In honour of Sylvia Adamson, Auer, Anita, Victorina González-Díaz, Jane Hodson and Violeta Sotirova (eds.), pp. 171–194 | Article
This study examines Virginia Woolf ’s authorial revisions of the opening of Mrs Dalloway and their implications for narrative theory. I compare passages from the short story ‘Mrs Dalloway in Bond Street’ and the early drafts of ‘The Hours’ with the published novel and show that there is a… read more
Croft, William A., Jóhanna Barðdal, Willem B. Hollmann, Violeta Sotirova and Chiaki Taoka 2010 Revising Talmy’s typological classification of complex event constructionsContrastive Studies in Construction Grammar, Boas, Hans C. (ed.), pp. 201–236 | Article