Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb

List of John Benjamins publications for which Stefania Degaetano-Ortlieb plays a role.


By applying data-driven methods based on information theory, this study adds to previous work on the development of the scientific register by measuring the informativity of alternative phrasal structures shown to be involved in change in language use in 20th-century Scientific English. The… read more
Degaetano-Ortlieb, Stefania, Katrin Menzel and Elke Teich 2019 Chapter 4. Typical linguistic patterns of English history texts from the eighteenth to the nineteenth century: An information-theoretic approachWriting History in Late Modern English: Explorations of the Coruña Corpus, Moskowich, Isabel, Begoña Crespo, Luis Puente-Castelo and Leida Maria Monaco (eds.), pp. 57–81 | Chapter
Degaetano-Ortlieb, Stefania and Elke Teich 2014 Register diversification in evaluative language: the case of scientific writingEvaluation in Context, Thompson, Geoff † and Laura Alba-Juez (eds.), pp. 241–258 | Article
In this chapter, we investigate register diversification in evaluative language focusing on scientific writing. For this purpose, we explore selected epistemic and attitudinal variants of evaluative expressions. We consider (1) the situational context of these expressions according to Systemic… read more