Ricard Viñas-de-Puig
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ricard Viñas-de-Puig plays a role.
Chapter 7. Emerging ethnolinguistic varieties in the Amazon: The case of Yagua Spanish Amazonian Spanish: Language Contact and Evolution, Fafulas, Stephen (ed.), pp. 155–190 | Chapter
2020 We analyze a handful of morphosyntactic features of Yagua Spanish (YS), a contact variety of Spanish spoken in the Amazon. Our results, from sociolinguistic interviews and film narrations conducted with 10 YS speakers from Comandancia, located along Peru’s Orosa River, suggest that YS is… read more
Internal and external calls to immigrant language promotion: Evaluating the research approach in two cases of community-engaged linguistic research in Eastern North Carolina Responses to Language Endangerment: In honor of Mickey Noonan, Mihas, Elena, Bernard Perley, Gabriel Rei-Doval and Kathleen Wheatley (eds.), pp. 157–174 | Article
2013 This paper explores the research methodology of the documentation and promotion of two immigrant indigenous languages in Eastern North Carolina, by contrasting it to a successful participatory research approach observed in an ongoing project in Nicaragua. When contrasting immigrant and in-situ… read more