Guillaume Barbier

List of John Benjamins publications for which Guillaume Barbier plays a role.


Boë, Jean-Louis, Jean Granat, Jean-Louis Heim, Pierre Badin, Guillaume Barbier, Guillaume Captier, Antoine Serrurier, Pascal Perrier, Nicolas Kielwasser and Jean-Luc Schwartz 2013 Reconstructed fossil vocal tracts and the production of speech: Phylogenetic and ontogenetic considerationsNew Perspectives on the Origins of Language, Lefebvre, Claire, Bernard Comrie and Henri Cohen (eds.), pp. 75–128 | Article
The end of the twentieth century and the beginning of this one saw a reorganization of research in the field of speech and language emergence (SLE). Naturalism is the core of this new approach. It consists in describing the relations between biological aspects (in every sense of the word) on the… read more