Aintzane Doiz
List of John Benjamins publications for which Aintzane Doiz plays a role.
Doiz, Aintzane, David Lasagabaster and Juan Manuel Sierra 2014
Motivation: Making connections between theory and practice Motivation and Foreign Language Learning: From theory to practice, Lasagabaster, David, Aintzane Doiz and Juan Manuel Sierra (eds.), pp. 177–183 | Article
Doiz, Aintzane, David Lasagabaster and Juan Manuel Sierra 2014
Giving voice to the students: What (de)motivates them in CLIL classes? Motivation and Foreign Language Learning: From theory to practice, Lasagabaster, David, Aintzane Doiz and Juan Manuel Sierra (eds.), pp. 117–138 | Article
As a result of the widespread implementation of the CLIL approach in the educational system across European countries, research on its effects has become a much debated topic. Yet there is a dearth of studies on the role of motivation in CLIL. Many studies on motivation have focused on why students… read more
Lasagabaster, David, Aintzane Doiz and Juan Manuel Sierra 2014
Introduction Motivation and Foreign Language Learning: From theory to practice, Lasagabaster, David, Aintzane Doiz and Juan Manuel Sierra (eds.), pp. 1–5 | Article