Douwe W. Fokkema †

List of John Benjamins publications for which Douwe W. Fokkema † plays a role.

Book series

Subjects Theoretical literature & literary studies

International Postmodernism: Theory and literary practice

Edited by Hans Bertens and Douwe W. Fokkema †

Subjects Comparative literature & literary studies | General studies in art & art history | Theoretical literature & literary studies
Subjects Comparative literature & literary studies


Onder redactie van Douwe W. Fokkema † en Frans Ruiter

[Not in series, 43] 1990. xiv, 162 pp. + 20 ills.
Subjects General studies in art & art history | Miscellaneous
Fokkema, Douwe W. † 1997 1.2 The Semiotics of Literacy PostmodernismInternational Postmodernism: Theory and literary practice, Bertens, Hans and Douwe W. Fokkema † (eds.), pp. 15–42 | Article
Fokkema, Douwe W. † 1993 ForewordCultural Participation: Trends since the Middle Ages, Rigney, Ann and Douwe W. Fokkema † (eds.), pp. vii–x | Foreword
Fokkema, Douwe W. † 1990 Innovatie als culturele noodzaakInnovatie, Fokkema, Douwe W. † en Frans Ruiter (red.), pp. 25–38 | Article
Fokkema, Douwe W. † and Frans Ruiter 1990 InleidingInnovatie, Fokkema, Douwe W. † en Frans Ruiter (red.), pp. xi–xiv | Introduction
Fokkema, Douwe W. † 1989 The concept of convention in literary theory and empirical researchConvention and Innovation in Literature, D’haen, Theo, Rainer Grübel and Helmut Lethen (eds.), pp. 1–16 | Article
Calinescu, Matei and Douwe W. Fokkema † 1988 PrefaceExploring Postmodernism: Selected papers presented at a Workshop on Postmodernism at the XIth International Comparative Literature Congress, Paris, 20–24 August 1985, Calinescu, Matei and Douwe W. Fokkema † (eds.), pp. v–vi | Preface
Fokkema, Douwe W. † 1986 Preliminary remarksApproaching Postmodernism: Papers presented at a Workshop on Postmodernism, 21–23 September 1984, University of Utrecht, Fokkema, Douwe W. † and Hans Bertens (eds.), pp. 1–8 | Article