Isabel Molina Martos
List of John Benjamins publications for which Isabel Molina Martos plays a role.
Linguistic Landscape is analyzed to determine how women’s voices come together in the urban space to ultimately become a political movement. In recent years, women in Spain have been at the front and center of an unprecedented mobilization against gender inequality in all of its forms: salary… read more
This paper offers a sociolinguistic analysis of the consonants (s) and (d) in the coda position in the city of Madrid, within the framework of the Project for the Sociolinguistic Study of Spanish from Spain and America (PRESEEA). The purpose is to illustrate how varieties of southern Castilian… read more
Molina Martos, Isabel, Florentino Paredes García and Ana M. Cestero Mancera 2020
Sociolinguistic patterns and processes of convergence and divergence in Spanish Sociolinguistic patterns and processes of convergence and divergence in Spanish, Molina Martos, Isabel, Florentino Paredes García and Ana M. Cestero Mancera (eds.), pp. 171–177 | Introduction