Ioana-Maria Stoenica
List of John Benjamins publications for which Ioana-Maria Stoenica plays a role.
Chapter 11. Relative-clause increments and the management of reference: A multimodal analysis of French talk-in-interaction Emergent Syntax for Conversation: Clausal patterns and the organization of action, Maschler, Yael, Simona Pekarek Doehler, Jan K. Lindström and Leelo Keevallik (eds.), pp. 303–330 | Chapter
2020 In this paper we propose a reanalysis of relative clauses in French talk-in-interaction as part of “grammar for talk implementing action” (Schegloff, 1996: p. 113). Our analytic focus is on relative clauses produced as increments, i.e., cases where the [main clause + relative clause] pattern… read more
Chapter 3. Emergent complex noun phrases: On-line trajectories of ‘relativized’ NPs in French talk-in-interaction The ‘Noun Phrase’ across Languages: An emergent unit in interaction, Ono, Tsuyoshi and Sandra A. Thompson (eds.), pp. 43–70 | Chapter
2020 In this paper, we document the temporal and contingent nature of noun phrases (NPs). Focusing on relativized NPs, we show that they are produced as an interactional accomplishment, emerging from how participants adapt to each other’s verbal and non-verbal conduct. Based on 20 hours of French… read more