Kunio Nishiyama
List of John Benjamins publications for which Kunio Nishiyama plays a role.
Subjects Morphology | Phonetics | Syntax | Theoretical linguistics
This paper analyzes the synchrony and diachrony of possessive noun phrases in Lamaholot (Austronesian). On the assumption that the clause architecture and the nominal architecture are parallel, the loss of verb movement at the clausal level (Aldridge 2010) is argued to be equivalent to the loss of… read more
Nishiyama, Kunio, Hideki Kishimoto and Edith Aldridge 2018
Introduction Topics in Theoretical Asian Linguistics: Studies in honor of John B. Whitman, Nishiyama, Kunio, Hideki Kishimoto and Edith Aldridge (eds.), pp. ix–xi | Introduction